April 12th, 2025
We love what the Mission does for our community, so join us in showing them your support if you’re able!
Call 512.556.5779 if you have questions or stop by their location Tuesdays or Thursdays from 1-3 pm for tickets!
Thursday, April 17th
What a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for Resurrection Sunday! Join us for this amazing reenactment of the LAST SUPPER, paired with beautiful worship music from the lovely Kate Walker (playing Cello) & others!
The men of this Act are working hard to prepare this in the most authentic way, so we hope everyone enjoys it to the fullest! This will take place at 7 pm in the Sanctuary.
Every 2nd Saturday @ 8 am
The men of Lampasas Methodist invite you to join them also for breakfast and fellowship every 2nd Saturday at Country Kitchen, 8 am.
Join them for a cup of joe as they catch up and share what’s been working for them and what hasn’t been perhaps. The Lord works through us all and we are grateful for His presence in our lives.
Every Friday morning @ 9 am
This is your invite to join the sweet ladies of this group for breakfast and fellowship at Country Kitchen restaurant each week, or even just the weeks when you can!
Life is better when it’s shared together, for joy & comfort. So if you’re feeling a tug to get connected with others, may the Lord bring you to the table.
Connect Groups are small groups that share meals, activities, and discussions. They are designed to help us grow in our relationship with Christ and others. Typically connect groups have up to 15 people and meet weekly or every few weeks at the host’s home. To learn more or join a connect group, please call the church office at (512) 556-5513.
Connect Groups
Discipleship bands are non-coed groups of 2-6 people that meet weekly. The purpose of these bands is to hold each other accountable and help us go deeper and grow deeper in our relationship with Christ. If you want to know more or join a discipleship band, don't hesitate to get in touch with the church office at (512) 556-5513.
Discipleship Bands
Pastor Paul teaches Bible studies hosted at the church each Spring and Fall. Each study is held in the Bridal Suite and dates/times are as follows:
Mondays @ 6:30-8 pm: Bible Study for ALL on Exodus
Tuesdays @ 10-11:30 am: Bible Study for ALL on Exodus
Feel free to join ANY TIME!
Bible Studies
Women, you are all invited to join the Women's Prayer Breakfast Group. This group meets every Friday morning at Country Kitchen at 9:00 a.m. for breakfast and to share concerns and joys with each other.
Women’s Prayer Breakfast
Men, you are invited to join us every second Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m. at Country Kitchen for a great breakfast, devotion, and fellowship. We also discuss upcoming events with which the Methodist Men are involved throughout the year.
Lampasas Men’s Breakfast
Sunday school meets every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the Bridal Suite. To learn more, please call the front office at (512) 556-5513.
Adult Sunday School
Awaken Youth is for all 6-12th grade students and meets every Wednesday from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Youth Director: Carissa Castanedalampasasyouth@gmail.com / (512) 556-5513
Awaken Youth
Our children’s ministry offers children’s church every Sunday during 10 am service for children Pre-K through 2nd grade.
Our new children’s program, FOUNDATIONS, is also available at 9 am, for children 4 yrs through 5th grade, as well as the nursery age group (0-3 yrs). You can register your child here: https://www.cognitoforms.com/LampasasMethodistChurch/FoundationsChildrensMinistryRegistration
For more information, contact:
Children’s Director: Courtney Grovescjgroves23@yahoo.com / 512-556-5513
Children’s Ministry
Our professionally-run nursery is available throughout Sunday morning for ages infant to 3 years. As a courtesy, we furnish wipes and snacks, and water. Any allergies or preferences are noted on our registration cards, which are filled out by the parents or caregivers. Our nursery staff is trained in First Aid, CPR, and the Child, Youth, and Vulnerable Adult Safety Policy of LMC.
Nursery Coordinator: Cindy Castaneda
Castanedaccastmk@gmail.com / (512) 556-5513
Come together for Christ
Grow together in Christ
Go together with Christ
Come together for Christ • Grow together in Christ • Go together with Christ •